Sunday 16 August 2009


Malaysian uses this herb mostly to make medicines for newly delivered women.Nut galls are used to clean and heal internal wounds and also gives strength to women.
Remedy for women to treat the whole body:Buy nut galls worth RM5. Wash, clean and dry the dried fruit.Heat ghee in a metal pan and fry the nut galls. Once the nut galls crack, remove from oil. Pound or grind into powder form and dry the powder. Once it's dried, blend again and sieve the powder.
a)Wounds in mouth and stomach:Mix a teaspoon of nut gall powder with ghee and consume.You can also gargle nut gall powder with hot water if you have a wound in your mouth. b)External wounds:Boil the powder with water, set aside to cool and wash the wound with the herbal water. In Indonesia, newly delivered women wounds at the vagina area are cleaned with nut gall water.Wound or boils in the anus canal can be treated by applying the powder with coconut oilc) Internal wound and to strengthen body and vagina muscles:Mix same amount of nut gall powder with triphala and consume at night.The herbal mixture will heal newly delivered women's internal wounds and help strengthen their body and vagina muscles.d)Irritable bowel syndrome:Mix quarter teaspoon nutgall powder with ghee and consume before meal, twice a day. Bowel problems will be cured.

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