Sunday 16 August 2009

Uric asid get reduced by tone up

Uric Acid is formed when old or left over food are consumed. Make sure you do not eat food which has been cooked a day or two earlier and has turned sour. In our body, uric acid settles around the joint areas, causing prickling pain when the joint area starts to swell up. When the level of uric acid increases in the body, it will a) aid in absorbing bad cholesterol andb) aid in forming kidney stones.
Try to avoid eating over ripe tomatoes; nearing to rot as it has high uric acid. Make sure you eat cabbage right after it is cooked. This is because after 4 -6 hours you will notice small bubbles forming on the cooked cabbage. This is an indication that uric acid is forming in the cooked cabbage.
At night, take one tablespoon of triphala powder. Mix the herbal powder with water and consume. When you wake up in the morning, uric acid will be cleared through bowel motion. The herbal medication will also ease your bowel motion.
If you prepare "Thosai" and the batter ferments very fast and well, it is believed that uric acid is forming quickly in your body. The intensity of sourness of your thosai batter indicates the level of uric acid you have in your body!
Therefore do not eat left over or old food as it helps form uric acid in your body which causes many types of sickness and diseases. Hence make sure to avoid old food right away to lead a healthy life.

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