Sunday 16 August 2009

Tooth Pain


Tooth pain can be caused by bacteria or other reasons not related to bacteria infection.
Below is a remedy that can be used to relief the pain caused either by bacteria or other causes before you visit a dentist.

Cloves have the properties to remove pain. It also increases digestion and removes gas trapped in the joints.


10 to 20 grams of cloves

Remove the flower and use the stems only. Slightly pound the stems and add 4 glasses of water and boil both ingredients until the liquid reduces to the amount of 1 glass.

Set aside to cool. Once cool, take one mouthful of the spiced water and push the water to the place where the ache/pain is. Tilt your head so that the spice water touches the gums and the affected tooth.

Repeat 2 to 3 times and after a while, the pain will reduce. Make sure you keep the spiced water in your mouth for at least 5 minutes.


A handful of guava leaves
4 glasses of water

Boil the leaves with 8 glasses of water until it reduces to 1 glass. Take one mouthful of water and make sure the water touches the affected area. Repeat until the medicated water finishes.


For better results, combine both guava leaves and cloves together with 8 glasses of water. Boil until it reduces to 1 glass.

This remedy can be used for tooth pain or any other pain related to teeth problems. Please take note that this remedy is a temporary relief.and you should consult a dentist for a permanent solution.

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