Sunday 16 August 2009



If you are suffering from anemia, doctors will prescribe iron pills to cure the problem.Anemia can also be treated by consuming fenugreek seeds. The seeds are also effective in treatinga) body painb) stomach irritation c) excess heat in the bodyd) back paine) weak body andf) low sperm count
Fenugreek seeds are high in iron, vitamin B2 and A. The herb is good for improving eye sight and promotes hair growth. Our forefathers used to increase the intake of iron by eating fenugreek thosai.
Wash and dry fenugreek seeds. Grind into powder form.Consume 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder and drink with buttermilk (Mooru). This remedy willa) heal stomach woundb) cure back painc) remove bad mouth odourd) increase body strength .e) reduce body and eye heat
Do not consume fenugreek powder with buttermilk at night as you will catch a cold. Therefore replace buttermilk with plain water when consuming fenugreek powder at night.
For pregnant women, it is beneficial if they can consume fenugreek powder with honey and drink it with water. The powder will a) increase blood production b) and good for the child.
If acidity level increases to an extreme level in your body, it will createa) stomach woundsb) bad mouth and body odourc) excess heat in the head.
REMEDYRemove the skin of white pumpkin (vellai pusinikai), cut the fruit into small pieces, blend and strain the juice. Add sugar or rock sugar and drink daily for a month. Excess acid will be released and acidity problem will be cured. This drink is also effective in cleaning kidneys.White pumpkin juice is effective in removing acidity as the juice is considered as alkaline water.

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