As mentioned in earlier episodes, a meal should consist of 50% of carbohydrate and 25% of protein. The remaining 25% should consist of fiber. The nutrient acts as a sponge and helps absorb and release excess cholesterol and sugar from the body.
Daily consumption of fiber is around 25- 30 grams and to consume the required amount, all you need to do is by eating any types of fruits, vegetables, legumes and complex carbohydrate food.Fruits should be eaten twice a day. However forbid eating fruits with soya sauce or "asam boi" as you will not get the full nutritional value.When cooking any types of vegetable, try to use minimal oil for stir frying. Frying vegetables with grated coconut or plenty of oil is not healthy and will cause harm to the body.
Oats and barley are rich in fiber. It is advised not to consume oats everyday as it has a substance call purines. Excess accumulation of purines in the body will lead to excess accumulation of uric acid.When fiber food is digested, it will create gas in the body. Therefore it is a must to drink lots of water when consuming fiber food. Also lack of water intake when consuming fiber food will harden the stool which will lead to constipation.
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