Friday, 16 October 2009


constipation be serious…

Sometimes constipation can lead to complications. These complications include hemorrhoids, caused by straining to have a bowel movement, or anal fissures—tears in the skin around the anus—caused when hard stool stretches the sphincter muscle. As a result, rectal bleeding may occur, appearing as bright red streaks on the surface of the stool. Treatment for hemorrhoids may include warm tub baths, ice packs, and application of a special cream to the affected area. Treatment for anal fissures may include stretching the sphincter muscle or surgically removing the tissue or skin in the affected area.

Sometimes straining causes a small amount of intestinal lining to push out from the anal opening. This condition, known as rectal prolapse, may lead to secretion of mucus from the anus. Usually eliminating the cause of the prolapse, such as straining or coughing, is the only treatment necessary. Severe or chronic prolapse requires surgery to strengthen and tighten the anal sphincter muscle or to repair the prolapsed lining.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

Foods That Fight Fat

8 Foods That Fight Fat

Want to lose weight as you chow down? Your wish is granted! (I promise, this is no fairy tale.) Your supermarket is filled with foods that studies show have lipid-melting powers to help melt fat and keep you slim. Stock up on these fat-fighting super bites, and you'll be trimmer even as you indulge. Read on to discover the eight foods that deserve a permanent spot in your fridge—and in your diet!

Almonds These yummy nuts are high in alpha-linolenic acid, which can accelerate your metabolism of fats. In fact, dieters who ate 3 ounces of almonds daily slashed their weight and body-mass index by 18 percent, while those who skipped the nuts reduced both numbers less— just 11 percent—a study in the International Journal of Obesity revealed. Chomp almonds à la carte (limit yourself to 12 per serving to keep calories in check). I get a pack at Starbucks and nibble throughout my day. Or sprinkle them into a recipe such as Black Bean–Almond Pesto Chicken. Go nuts!

Berries I tell my daughter, "These are nature's candy!" Turns out they're also your body's best friends. Strawberries, raspberries and other vitamin C–spiked fruit can supercharge your workout, helping you burn up to 30 percent more fat, research from Arizona State University at Mesa has found. If they're not in season, buy the little gems frozen in a bulk-sized bag so you'll always have them on hand to whip up a Berry Bliss Smoothie or Strawberry-Sunflower Pops, regardless of whether berries are in season.

Cinnamon Adding 1/4 teaspoon to your plate may prevent an insulin spike—an uptick that tells your body to store fat. Sprinkle it on your morning cereal or coffee or on your yogurt in the A.M., or savor it in Apple-Cinnamon-Raisin Oatmeal.

Mustard It's heaven on a soft pretzel, but mustard may also be a weight loss wonder. Turmeric, the spice that gives mustard its color, may slow the growth of fat tissues, a study in the journal Endocrinology finds. Use it on sandwiches instead of mayo, or sprinkle turmeric on cauliflower pre-roasting to give it a kick. Try it on tuna salad—I promise it adds zest.

Oranges This citrus fruit, which contains fat-blasting compounds known as flavones, deserves to be your main squeeze. Women who ate the most flavones had a much lower increase in body fat over a 14-year period, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition notes. Eat oranges sliced or swig fresh OJ (including pulp!) to get the best benefit from the fruit.

Soybeans Reason to toss a half cup on your salad? Soybeans are rich in choline, a compound that blocks the absorption of fat and breaks down fatty deposits. Oh, and they're addictively delish! But if breast cancer runs in your family, experts suggest you should talk to your doc before adding soy to your diet.

Sweet potatoes The colorful spuds' high-fiber content means they keep your insulin steadier than their white sisters, which means less fat packed on your hips, research finds. Top a small baked tater with lowfat cottage cheese for a tempting side dish, or whip up Miso Soup With Sweet Potato Dumplings.

Swiss cheese Calcium-rich foods reduce fat-producing enzymes and increase fat breakdown, and Swiss has more calcium than many of its cheesy peers. Choose the reduced-fat variety, such as Sargento. Slip it into your sandwich, put it on top of high-fiber crackers or use it for a healthier grilled cheese. Yum

Thursday, 8 October 2009



Besides checking the expiry date, we should also place importance in checking the food label. Food label is very important as it provides vital information whether the food is nutritious or high in calorie.

If you are not able to read and understand the nutrient content displayed on the food label, you should refer to the ingredient section.

Biscuit A: Ingredients are Flour, Sugar and Fruits
Biscuit B: Ingredients are Sugar, Flour and Fruits

You should opt for Biscuit A because according to food label regulation, the first ingredient stated is the most quantity used to prepare the product.
Therefore for Biscuit B, sugar is the most quantity used to prepare the final product and it is not healthy as it has high sugar and calorie content.

If sugar and fat are listed in the first 3 main ingredients, avoid buying the product as much as possible. Make sure sugar and any types of fat are listed as the last ingredient in the ingredient section label of any food product.

Some food may be labelled as low fat. But this does not mean that it is low in calorie.

Example: Low Fat Yogurt
The yogurt could be low in fat but for taste, extra sugar could be added in. The extra sugar will increase the calorie content. Hence when choosing healthy food, make sure the product or food is not only low in fat but also low in calorie.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Ancient Medicinal system

Ancient Medicinal System

The two ancient Medicinal system in Indian medicine are ayurveda and siddha.

Sidha system developed with the ancient civilizations of Harrappa and Mohenjo-daro, in the Indus River valley, about 6000 - 7000 years ago.
It was transplanted into Southern India along with the Dravidian people who migrated to south about 2500 years ago and during this migration, many plants were added into the medicine chest of Siddha treatment.
The Siddha System of medicine is the oldest and it is in vogue from the growing of vegetable kingdom on the Earth. Siddha generally refers to Ashtama Siddhi that is the 8th supernatural power. Those who attained or achieved the above said powers, are known as Siddhars. There were 18 important Siddhars in olden days and they developed this system of medicine. Hence, it is called Siddha Medicine. In the Indian History every one knows that, prior to the Aryan migration, the Dravidians were the first inhabitants of India - of whom the South Indians / Tamilians were the most prominent.
Siddha Vaidya is also the most ancient recorded herbal medical system. Siddha. It is systematic medical system, accurately defined, documented symptomatology , solution for reactions. The well researched remedies makes it an ideal one, as a bridge between the modern medicine and other complimentary medical systems.
Siddha Vaidya is very effective, Certain key ingredients like Amber, under some unique process can act instantly as effective as the modern system of Science. It is not true that one has to wait for days and months for a cure under this system. This makes this system unique and superior to other alternative systems. Some varieties of internal medicines, if prepared once can be used for hundred years . Such medicines have long life time and their potency will not be lost at any time, in this period. Siddha Vaidya recognizes eight branches of medicine, the same as western medicine except Geriatrics, the study of diseases of the aged. Instead Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy is given. The aim of their therapy is to maintain the youth of the individual along with long life. This is attainable through cleanses of the body (Pancha Karma) done seasonally and rejuvenation treatments which activate the body's ability to rebuild and renew itself. According to Siddha Vaidya and Ayurveda, it is the perfect digestion and assimilation of our food, together with the regular and efficient evacuation of wastes that is essential for health and beauty. Any food, no matter how perfect, that is improperly digested, forms toxic wastes called 'Ama'. Ama clogs the system, impedes digestion, blocks vital channels and clouds the mind. Siddha Vaidya is very effective in managing chronic diseases and degenerative conditions and holds many promises for the Health and Wellness of humanity. Healthy, functional and productive longevity is a promise from Siddha Vaidya. Another contribution is its wealth of knowledge regarding prophylaxis of heart diseases.

Siddhar's knowledge of latro-chemistry, minerals, metals and plants was stupendous. This was successfully used by them from time immemorial. The process of Muppu (Universal salt) and other calcinations process ., are the special features of Siddha medicinal system and these are not known to other medical systems. The fact that, even in the remote past when knowledge in chemical technology was not fully developed, Siddhars had unparallel knowledge in medicines.
Nano technology: A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, the width of six hydrogen atoms, or about 100,000th the size of a single grain of sand! Nano technology involves the manufacture and manipulation of molecules from 1-100 nanometers in size. A technological revolution that will irreversibly alter the way people live and work. It was said that buy 2010, half of all drugs will be made with nano technology. Today only we are talking about nanao technology. Siddha System for centuries has been practicing the division of minerals into atomic weights. Atomic weight of hydrogen is 1.0079 atoms. Which is 1/6th the width of one nanometer.
So you can decide how advanced was the siddha system of science to which used such small particles centuries back. It is this science and who ever practicing to this scale are the makers of superior medicines . For medicines to be very effective the inorganic substances are to be brought to their atomic form and ionic form. Today, We have on hand just a few of these works. Siddha system is all about not only treating illness but promoting youthful maintenance and rebuilding of the body.
Rejuvenation does not necessarily mean restoring the Old to Youth; for it may simply mean maintenance of youth without reaching the old age; and if youth is maintained perpetually, it becomes Immortality. So Rejuvenation is a means for prolonging life .
Immortality being one of the most consoling and comforting dogma of religion, should be reserved for aspiration of Man's faith. It is proved that certain single cell creatures do not yield to natural death. Dr. Alexis Carrel, the celebrated biologist in his article on "tissue culture" has proved beyond doubt that it has been possible to keep some animal tissue almost alive and growing indefinitely in a suitable organic media. He called them as "immortal". Cultures should, at frequent intervals, be transplanted to fresh media or else growth ceases and the cells begin to die poisoned by the accumulation of their debris and other used up stuffs. Tissue culture is the determining factor.Similarly for the cells to be at best state, the cells of our body as well should be brought up in an environment, free from the contamination of the waste poisonous by-products in the assimilating process.
Therefore a high degree of constancy is to be maintained in the internal environment for the existence of life and health in the body, by keeping up the equilibrium of acid and alkaline balance in the body, eliminating the waste products regularly.


Monday, 14 September 2009

Vitamin supplement


Taking vitamin supplements in pill form is not advisable as it can cause damage to our kidneys and liver. Therefore it is better to eat various types of vegetables and fruits as you will get sufficient amount of daily vitamin requirements the body needs.

Some may experience mal absorption problem whereby the system is unable to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food. Those who suffer from mal absorption problem are required to take supplements to stay healthy.

Not everyone should take vitamin supplements. This is because some may experience side effects and can harm vital organs in the body. Therefore consult your physician or dietician before consuming pill supplements.

When taking vitamin pills, you should drink lots of water.

Always remember, by eating food, our body will be able to absorb more natural vitamins. Pill supplements are just to rectify any health problems, if there are any.

choosing healthy food


How to choose healthy food when eating out? When you go to a "Mamak" shop, you can eat healthy food by choosing the right food. Chapati, Chicken tandoori are low in calorie. Naan is also low in fat. However when we order Naan, we tend to order Cheese or Butter Naan. These type of Naan is high in fat and calorie.

When eating chapatti, try to include a vegetable and a protein food.
A plate of fried noodles has 7 spoons of oil. However in a bowl of soup noodle which has the same ingredients have only 2-3 spoons of oil. Therefore try to opt for soup based foods as much as possible that stir fried foods when eating out.

weight loss


To lose weight, it is mandatory to eat low calorie foods. Besides that is it also important to exercise to experience weight lost. Low calorie foods are foods that are low in fat and sugar. The more you reduce the intake of fat and sugar, the better it is.

Some may not have their breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner to lose weight. This is not a good practise. If you do not have proper meals, it will lower your basal metabolism rate. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories burnt in a resting state.

If you want to experience weight lost, it is important

a) To have 3 meals a day, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some may experience hunger in between breakfast and lunch. It is advised to drink lots of water when you experience hunger in between meals. The hunger could be caused of dehydration. When body is lacking of water, you will feel hungry.

b) Eat slowly. The slower you eat, the better it is. This is because the body takes 20 minutes to give signal to stop eating and feeling full whenever you start eating. If you were to eat fast, you will tend to eat more. If you were to eat slowly, you will tend to eat less and feeling full.

c) Eat more vegetables and fruits as they are low in calorie and high in fibre.
Furthermore vegetables and fruits take a longer time to digest and abstain from
feeling hungry fast.

d) Eat low calorie snacks. Pop corn, sandwich and yogurt are examples of low calorie
and healthy snacks.

e) Do not drink sweet beverages like cordial drinks, tea and coffee. Try to drink plain
water as much as possible.

Do not consume pills to lose weight which can cause side effects. Dieting and exercising is the best, safe and guaranteed way to experience weight lost.

weight loss


To lose weight, it is mandatory to eat low calorie foods. Besides that is it also important to exercise to experience weight lost. Low calorie foods are foods that are low in fat and sugar. The more you reduce the intake of fat and sugar, the better it is.

Some may not have their breakfast and lunch and only eat dinner to lose weight. This is not a good practise. If you do not have proper meals, it will lower your basal metabolism rate. Basal metabolic rate is the amount of calories burnt in a resting state.

If you want to experience weight lost, it is important

a) To have 3 meals a day, i.e. breakfast, lunch and dinner. Some may experience hunger in between breakfast and lunch. It is advised to drink lots of water when you experience hunger in between meals. The hunger could be caused of dehydration. When body is lacking of water, you will feel hungry.

b) Eat slowly. The slower you eat, the better it is. This is because the body takes 20 minutes to give signal to stop eating and feeling full whenever you start eating. If you were to eat fast, you will tend to eat more. If you were to eat slowly, you will tend to eat less and feeling full.

c) Eat more vegetables and fruits as they are low in calorie and high in fibre.
Furthermore vegetables and fruits take a longer time to digest and abstain from
feeling hungry fast.

d) Eat low calorie snacks. Pop corn, sandwich and yogurt are examples of low calorie
and healthy snacks.

e) Do not drink sweet beverages like cordial drinks, tea and coffee. Try to drink plain
water as much as possible.

Do not consume pills to lose weight which can cause side effects. Dieting and exercising is the best, safe and guaranteed way to experience weight lost.

cook healthy food


a) When cooking, do not pour oil from the bottle. This is because you may tend to
pour more than the required amount. Use a teaspoon or oil spray bottle as you are
able to control the usage of oil and cook healthily.

b) Use a non stick pan when cooking as it does not require lots of oil to cook.

c) Omit coconut milk with yogurt or low fat milk. When cooking this way, use more
ginger, garlic and onions as it gives the same taste when cooking with coconut

d) Add salt at the last stage of cooking. When making soups, do not add salt before
adding potatoes as potatoes will absorb the salt and leaving the soup tasteless.
To give taste, you will have to add salt again. Therefore add salt at the last stage,
hence less salt will be used.

e) If you were to cook fish or chicken, try to use lime juice. By using lime juice
less salt is needed as lime juice provides taste to the dish. Lime juice is also rich in
Vitamin C and it helps absorb iron.

f) Combine vegetables when cooking meat dishes if you do not like to eat vegetables.
You need not eat oats with milk only. Oats can be toasted and added in soups
and curries. This is a nutritious and healthy method of cooking as oats are rich in

Vitamin C


Vitamin C plays a very important role to our skin. We are to take 30mg of vitamin C daily. We can obtain this quantity very easily by just eating fruits every day. Tomatoes are rich in Vitamin C. If we were to eat fruits after a meal, the Vitamin C from the fruits will help absorb iron very easily.

Overdose of Vitamin C intake can damage your kidney. Vitamin C is not only beneficial for your beauty but also helps maintain a healthy body. It also helps to heal wounds.

Note: Try not to drink processed fruit juice which is fortified with Vitamin C as it has high calorie content. Omit fortified fruit juice with fresh juice.

B complex


Vitamin B Complex consists of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. The main function of all types of vitamin B is to provide energy to the body.

Symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency are:
a) Fatigue
b) Dry hair
c) Improper blood circulation
d) Anemia

Vitamin B complex is rich in meat products, i.e. fish, chicken, dairy products and taufu and very little in vegetables and fruits

Vegans or vegetarians who do not consume dairy products and eggs are prone to Vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore Vegans are advised to eat foods which have been fortified or added with B12. The equivalent daily intake of B12 is added during manufacturing food products like cereal, bread, diary products and milk.

Some may take B12 in tablet form. Pregnant women or women who are trying to conceive are advised to take Vitamin B Folate. Deficiency of Vitamin B Folate can cause harm to the child.
Note: Before taking any vitamins in tablet form, consult your physician or dietician as taking tablets can cause harm or problems to some.



Potassium is a mineral which helps normalise blood pressure. Potassium is available in bananas, star fruits and green vegetables. Kidney failure patients are strictly advised not to consume too much of potassium as the nutrient can lead to nerve damage. When eating green vegetables, kidney failure patients are advised to soak any types of green vegetables in water for at least 20 minutes before cooking.

30% of Malaysian Indians suffer form hypertension. Therefore try to consume as much vegetables as you can. Bananas, whole grain products, i.e whole meal bread, atta flour are some of the many types of food rich in potassium.

Potassium chloride is a type of salt, sold in supermarkets which help to control
blood pressure. Try to avoid consuming this type of salt as consuming potassium chloride can cause damage to the heart and kidney. It is better to consume the normal salt, sodium chloride.

Zinc is good for eyes, hair and reproductive system. Deficiency in zinc causes hair loss. Zinc is available in seafood products and fortified milk.

Note: Do not consume seafood everyday just because it has high zinc content. Daily consumption of seafood will increase your cholesterol level. It is best to consume any type of seafood once a week.



Calcium, the most abundant mineral in our body, needed for healthy bone growth. 50% of Malaysian women suffer from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a sickness related to bones and can be avoided if sufficient intake of calcium is consumed daily.Calcium is not only important for teeth and bones but also plays an important role in muscle contraction. If you were to suffer from cramps or muscle leg pull, it is a symptom of calcium deficiency.

Calcium is found in both, cow's milk and Soya milk. However calcium from soya milk is difficult to be absorbed by the system. The amount of calcium from 1 glass of milk is equivalent to the amount of calcium from 3 glasses of soya milk. Therefore it is a better choice to drink cow's milk than soya milk. Calcium is also found in taufu, broccoli and sardine bones.

Calcium is vital to be consumed by pregnant women. Some pregnant women may experience vomiting sensation when drinking milk. To avoid this, mix/blend fruit juice with milk as it provides good taste and smell.
Note: It is good to drink a glass of milk before you go to bed as milk helps reduce blood pressure and promotes good sleep.


31st AUGUST 09: IRON

Iron is essential for the formation of red blood cells. Iron also plays a vital role in regulating blood flow or blood circulation.

Iron exists in two different forms:

a) Haem Iron
Available in animal tissues.
Easily absorbed by the body

b) Non haem iron
Available in plant foods
Less easily absorbed by the body
Therefore vegetarians are advised to eat fortified iron food products.

If you are consuming food which contains iron, you should consume with foods rich in vitamin C. This is because vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron.

Note: Do not drink coffee or tea while having your meal as tannin found in both beverages will prevent the absorption of iron.

Saturday, 29 August 2009



75% of our body consist of water. Water plays many roles in our body.
a) It helps regulate the hormones and
b) helps maintain body temperature

Many of us do not favour drinking plain water. We tend to opt for carbonated, cordial and fruit juices as our daily liquid intake. Plain water has zero calories; where else a glass of syrup consists of 200 calories.If we were to drink syrup three times a day, we will consume 500- 600 extra calories a day.If we were to continue the daily consumption for a week, we will end up gaining � to 1 kg of weight! Therefore try to drink plain water as much as possible.

Children and pregnant women have problem in drinking plain water as it has no taste and causes vomiting sensation. To avoid the bland taste, cut a piece of lemon or lime and add into the plain water before drinking. This not only gives taste but also removes the vomiting sensation.

For every kilo of your weight, you should consume 30 ml of water. If your weight is 50 kg, you need to drink 1500ml of water everyday.

This calculation is only applicable to those who are healthy and do not have any health problems. If you are having heart problem or kidney failure, your daily water intake will be different as heart and kidney patients are not advised to drink lots of water.

Note: Do not drink coffee or tea after your meal as it will hinder the absorption of nutrients



There are two types of cholesterol, bad and good cholesterol. Cholesterol is only available in non vegetarian food and does not exist in any type of vegetarian food.Coconut milk and various types of nuts also have no cholesterol content.

However this does not mean that we can consume coconut milk daily or in big quantity. This is because coconut oil has high saturated fat content. Food which has high saturated fat will be converted to cholesterol by the liver.

Egg yolk - it is advised to eat 3 egg yolks in a week
If it is low cholesterol eggs, you can increase to intake to 4 egg yolks

Egg white- has no cholesterol and can be consumed everyday

Chicken skin, mutton, seafood has high cholesterol content. Therefore to maintain cholesterol level, you must reduce the intake of cholesterol food and saturated fat, while increasing the intake of fibre.



As mentioned in earlier episodes, a meal should consist of 50% of carbohydrate and 25% of protein. The remaining 25% should consist of fiber. The nutrient acts as a sponge and helps absorb and release excess cholesterol and sugar from the body.

Daily consumption of fiber is around 25- 30 grams and to consume the required amount, all you need to do is by eating any types of fruits, vegetables, legumes and complex carbohydrate food.Fruits should be eaten twice a day. However forbid eating fruits with soya sauce or "asam boi" as you will not get the full nutritional value.When cooking any types of vegetable, try to use minimal oil for stir frying. Frying vegetables with grated coconut or plenty of oil is not healthy and will cause harm to the body.

Oats and barley are rich in fiber. It is advised not to consume oats everyday as it has a substance call purines. Excess accumulation of purines in the body will lead to excess accumulation of uric acid.When fiber food is digested, it will create gas in the body. Therefore it is a must to drink lots of water when consuming fiber food. Also lack of water intake when consuming fiber food will harden the stool which will lead to constipation.



Fat is divided into unsaturated fat and saturated fat.
Saturated fat is a form of fat that is solid in room temperature
Types of saturated fat are margarine, coconut milk, chicken skin and read meat and is also found in meat and vegetarian dishes.
Excess daily intake of saturated fat will increase body's cholesterol level

How to control the intake of saturated fat
a) Instead of using one glass of coconut milk when cooking, replace half the amount of coconut milk with low fat milk. This method of cooking not only gives taste but also makes a healthy dish.

b) One tablespoon of butter is equivalent to 1 tablespoon of oil. Therefore try to reduce the consumption of butter as much as possible.

Unlike saturated fat, unsaturated fat is liquid in room temperature.
Types of unsaturated fat are sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil etc.
This type of fat will not aid in increasing body's cholesterol level. However excess consumption of unsaturated fat will results in weight gain as it has high calorie content.

Note: Do not use unsaturated fat for deep frying as it will turn to trans- fatty acid



As previously mentioned, for each meal, 50% should be complex carbohydrate and 25 % should be protein food. Types of protein foods are fish, chicken, eggs and tofu.

To have proper hair, nail and cell growth, we need to have sufficient amount of protein intake. Protein is also important to build and maintain body's immune and hormone system.

However do not exceed the protein requirement as it can cause damage to the kidneys.
Pregnant women should consume more than the required protein amount as protein is needed to build the child's muscles. It is also necessary for elderly folks who are 65 years and above, athletes, sportsmen and sportswomen to consume more protein foods, more than the required daily requirement.

Note: Do not eat chicken everyday as it will increase one's cholesterol level



Carbohydrate is divided into two types, complex carbohydrate and refined carbohydrate. Some examples of foods which are high in complex carbohydrate arerice, thosai, itali and all types of potatoes .Examples of refined carbohydrate foods are sugar, honey and corn syrup.

Carbohydrate is very important as it acts like petroleum to a vehicle.1 piece of bread and 1 tablespoon of sugar has the same amount of carbohydrate, i.e. 15 grams. Refined carbohydrate digest fasts and increases one's body sugar lever very fast where else complex carbohydrate foods takes a longer time to digest.

In our plate, we should have 50% of complex carbohydrate food. However do not consume fried oily food together with complex carbohydrate food as it will increase your calorie intake and will cause you to put on weight.

There are two types of rice, white rice and brown rice. Diabetic patients normally opt for brown rice as it has more fiber and less carbohydrate than white rice. However if diabetic patients were to over eat, their body sugar level will increase. Therefore eat moderately, according to your daily needs and try to consume more complex carbohydrate foods than refined carbohydrate foods.

Sunday, 16 August 2009


There are many types of medicines available in the market to treat baldness. But how did our forefathers treat this problem?

Method A
10 cloves of garlic
1 glass of honey

Soak garlic in honey for 10 days. After 10 days, take one clove of garlic and rub on the bald patches. If the garlic is too soft, use your whole palm to rub and massage the affected areas to stimulate hair growth. Soak for � hour and wash your hair with Shikakai or with Mung Bean skins. Do it daily for 20 days and you will notice the scalp becomes softer and short hairs growing from the bald patches.

Method B
Extract the juice of � pomegranate. Dip one finger in the juice and gently rub on the balding areas with your dipped finger. Repeat a few times. Apply and massage the juice on your scalp every day for a period of 20 days. Same as method A, you will notice short hairs growing from the bald patches.

If you consume pomegranate, it will
a) Cool your body
b) Cleans kidney
c) Cleans blood
d) And heals stomach wounds.
This fruit should be eaten during hot weather days as it decreases body heat.

Method C
Half onion
Rub the cut onion on the balding areas. Make sure the juice of the onion is rubbed in and gets soaked into the skin for at least 30 minutes. Wash the hair either with Shikakai or with Mung bean skins. As Method A and B, you will notice the effect after 20 days

reduce head heat

Some individuals may experience lots of heat in the head area which causes:
a) short temperament
b) headaches
c) heatiness in eyes
d) bitterness in mouth
e) an increase of pitta in the body

1 handful of curry leaves. Grind the leaves.
100 ml lime juice
100 ml indian gooseberry or amla juice (nellikai): Optional. Pound the berries and extract the juice.
100 ml orange young coconut water
100 ml fresh cow's milk

20 grams of white turmeric (poolan kilangu)
20 grams fenugreek seeds
20 grams small cumin seeds
Grind white turmeric, fenugreek seeds and small cumin seeds into powder form.

1 liter of gingerly oil

Pour gingerly oil into a metal saucepan and add ingredient A and B. Boil until the mixture is thick. To check whether the oil has cooked to the right consistency, take a small piece of dhoti and tie the ends to a short stick. Wet the cloth with the oil and lit the cloth up. If the oil is cooked to the right consistency, the cloth should flame up and burn very fast.

If there is water in the oil, the cloth will break up and produces noise while burning. When this happen, cook the oil further until the water has evaporated. Once the oil has reached its consistency, remove from the flame and set aside to cool.

Take a large stainless steel pot and a small white dhoti cloth, large enough to cover the pot. Powder 1 or 2 grams of raw camphor (pachha karpooram) and add the powdered raw camphor into the stainless steel pot.
Tie the ends of the cloth to the pot's handle and pour the cooled oil into the cloth. Cover the pot. After 30 minutes or 1 hour, squeeze and strain the remaining oil out from the cloth and store the strained oil in a bottle.

If you were to apply the oil on your head, you will feel an instant cooling effect on your head. The cooling medicated oil helps to reduce pitta, cures mouth bitterness, dizziness and headaches.

Hair loss

Hair plays an important role in the head area. Due to extreme heat in the head area or other causes can contribute to hair loss or hair dropping which leads to baldness. Our forefathers took this problem very seriously as hair gives beauty to a person's face.

1 handful of Henna leaves (Maruthani)
1 handful of fresh or dried Wedelia leaves (Karsilangkani)
1 handfull of Joyweed leaves (Ponnanganni )

20 grams White Turmeric (Poolan Kilangu) -grind into powder form
20 grams fenugreek seed
20 grams cumin - Dry fry the cumin seeds and grind into powder form.

1 liter coconut oil.

Pour the coconut oil into a metal saucepan and add ingredient A and B. Boil the mixture until it becomes thick. To check whether the oil has reached the right consistency, take a small piece of dhoti and tie the ends to a short stick.

Wet the cloth with the oil and lit the cloth up. If the oil is cooked to the right consistency, the cloth should flame up and burn very fast.

If there is water in the oil, the cloth will break up and produces noise while burning. When this happen, cook the oil further until the water has evaporated. Once the oil has reached its consistency, remove from the flame and set aside to cool.

Apply the oil regularly on your head and hair loss problem will be solved.



Dandruff is caused by heatiness in the head area. The heat causes the skin to dry up as it lacks sufficient oil. Once the skin starts to dry up, it will start to crack and drop.

Lippia (Poduthalai): Wash and slightly dry the herbs
Add a little milk and pound the herbs to extract 1 liter of juice.

1 liter coconut oil.

20 grams of white turmeric (poolan kilangu)

Add ingredient A and B into a metal saucepan and boil the liquid. When the herbal oil starts to boil, add 20 grams of white turmeric. Keep boiling the oil and stir the solution. To check whether the oil has reached its right consistency, use a white dhoti and wet the cloth with the cooked oil. The oil needs no further cooking if the oiled cloth burns easily and flames up without any noise.

Once done, remove the oil and set aside to cool, strain and bottle it. Rub the oil on your head and massage until the oil gets soaked into the scalp. Leave for 2 hours and wash your hair with shikakai or mung bean skin. Apply the oil continuously for 20 days and DANDRUFF WILL DISSAPEAR!


100 grams of onions: Cut into small chunks
1 liter coconut oil.

Fry the onions in the coconut oil. Once the onions turn black and start to float, switch off the flame. Cool, strain and store the oil in a bottle. Apply the oil and massage the oil thoroughly on your scalp and hair. Within 20 days, dandruff problem will be solved!

White sports

There are many types of white spots. White spots occur when if you fail to clean your body after heavy sweating. The dust trapped in the sweat will get soaked into the skin and creates an environment for funguses to grow. The funguses are tiny and cannot be seen with naked eyes and their growth causes white spots on the skin. White spots can also be formed if there is fungus in the blood or if one's liver is dirty.


Pound 3 inch size galangal and extract the juice.
Pound 3-4 betel leaves with the extracted galangal juice to obtain 50 grams of betel paste.

50 grams of mung bean flour
100 grams powdered turmeric (Kasturi Manjal)
Mix both ingredients together.

After bathing, apply the betel paste on white spot areas and leave to dry for at least 2 hours. Use mung bean and turmeric mixture to clean or remove the dried betel paste. Apply continuously for 30 days and WHITE SPOTS WILL DISSAPEAR!


Bermuda grass (Arugampul)
A teaspoon of turmeric
Hand grind the grass and turmeric with a little water to obtain 200 grams of paste

50 grams of mung bean flour
100 grams powdered turmeric (Kasturi Manjal)
Mix both ingredients together.

Apply the Bermuda grass paste on your body and let it soak for 2-3 hours. Wash the dried paste with mixed mung bean and tumeric powder.

Apply continuously and white spots will be healed. This method also helps to remove bad body odour.

Diarrhea vomiting

If you are purging non stop due to food poisoning or other causes which causes diarrhea or vomiting, black pepper is the remedy to stop the mentioned problems.

10 - 20 black peppers

Dry fry the black peppers until it turns black/burned.
There will be lots of smoke when the peppers starts to burn. Don't worry as the peppers are supposed to be dry fried until it is burnt.

Add 2 glass of water into the burnt pepper and boil the pepper liquid until it reduces into1 glass. Strain and consume the pepper infused water. Purging will stop immediately.

Black pepper is heaty and drinking pepper water will cause extreme heat to the body. To avoid this condition, you need to dry fry the black peppers long enough to remove the spiciness of the pepper.

This home remedy can be consumed by children and adults. Therefore always remember black pepper is "THE" ingredient to cure purging and vomiting caused by food poisoning

Healthy eye sight

How to maintain a healthy eye sight and remove toxic water or "pitta" water from the eyes?


1) After brushing your teeth, fill your mouth with water.
Make sure your mouth is full and do not swallow the water.

2) Open your eyes widely and splash fresh water into your eyes with your right hand. Splash water 4 times into your right eye and 4 times into your left eye with full speed.

The splash gently massages the eyes, removes dirt and dust and cools the eyes. It also reduces head heatiness, prevents eyesight problems and avoids reduced eyesight. This practice can be done anytime during the day.

100 ml gingerly oil
100 ml coconut
100 ml sunflower oil (Surya Gandhi)

Mix the oils together, bottle it and keep it in your bathroom. After brushing your teeth, gargle the oil for 5 minutes. When you throw out the oil, the oil should turn to milky white color.

Benefits of gargling oil regularly:
a) cool the eyes,
b) cures headaches,
c) removes mouth ordour,
d) prevents teeth problem,
e) avoids mouth sours and tonsils
f) reduces pressure for hypertension patients
g) prevents diseases related to head area.

This practice can be done twice a day and you can gargle water after throwing out the oil.

Sore throat


Sore throat can be caused either by:
a) talking too much
b) when Kapa predominates in the body
c) getting wet which leads to flu and cold
d) itchiness in the throat or
e) dust in work area

Home remedy to cure sore throat within a day:

2 pieces of dried galangal
8 glasses of water
1 tablespoon of palm sugar

Boil the dried galangal with 8 glasses of water until it reduces to an amount of one glass. Add 1 tablespoon of palm sugar and set aside the boiled herbal water.

After a while, sand residue will set on the bottom of the glass.
Use the clear water only. Consume 1 tablespoon of galangal water every 10 minutes. By the time you finish consuming the water, your throat problem will be cured.

Young children to adults can consume this drink. If you are having asthma and tend to cough frequently, or suffering from bad cough during the night can also use this remedy to cure and ease the condition.

Therefore dried galangal is THE ingredient to cure cough and sore throat problems.

Tooth Pain


Tooth pain can be caused by bacteria or other reasons not related to bacteria infection.
Below is a remedy that can be used to relief the pain caused either by bacteria or other causes before you visit a dentist.

Cloves have the properties to remove pain. It also increases digestion and removes gas trapped in the joints.


10 to 20 grams of cloves

Remove the flower and use the stems only. Slightly pound the stems and add 4 glasses of water and boil both ingredients until the liquid reduces to the amount of 1 glass.

Set aside to cool. Once cool, take one mouthful of the spiced water and push the water to the place where the ache/pain is. Tilt your head so that the spice water touches the gums and the affected tooth.

Repeat 2 to 3 times and after a while, the pain will reduce. Make sure you keep the spiced water in your mouth for at least 5 minutes.


A handful of guava leaves
4 glasses of water

Boil the leaves with 8 glasses of water until it reduces to 1 glass. Take one mouthful of water and make sure the water touches the affected area. Repeat until the medicated water finishes.


For better results, combine both guava leaves and cloves together with 8 glasses of water. Boil until it reduces to 1 glass.

This remedy can be used for tooth pain or any other pain related to teeth problems. Please take note that this remedy is a temporary relief.and you should consult a dentist for a permanent solution.

Dark patches

Dark patches spreads across the cheek bones and very common among ladies. The patches are usually caused by using various kinds of make up, powder and creams.
This skin disorder is very difficult to be removed or cured and it hinders one's beauty. Our forefathers usually associate "vaangu" with different types of "sani thosam". The root problem lies beneath the skin and cannot be solved by consuming medicines.
The only way to solve this problem is by using alum (padikaram). The stone can be bought in indian grocery shops. Our forefathers used to keep the stone under their pillow to prevent dreams. The stone is also used to remove "thosam". In India, this stone is kept in the wells as it has the properties to clean dirty water.

Clean and pound alum (padikaram) into small pieces and store it in a bottle. Before you go to sleep, take a small amount of the powdered alum, add water and apply on the affected areas. Apply everyday and you can see effective results after 3 months.The stone will not give any bad effects to the body. In fact it beautifies the skin. In India, alum is used to scrub men's faces after shaving as it helps cool the face and also heals wounds caused by the shaving blade.

Lose weight by herbal medicine

Many men and women have big tummies and lots of excess stubborn fat which are very difficult to reduce.Horse grams are given to horses to become strong and prevent them from getting fat so that they can run faster and carry heavy weights. In Indian cooking, horse gram is used to prepare "Sambar" and is also one of the many grains (dhaaniyam), offered to Lord Ketu.To lose excess weight:a) Pound 1 tablespoon of Horse Gram b) Add a little cumin seeds and the pounded Kollu into a pot.c) Add 8 glasses of water and boil until the liquid reduces to an amount of 2 glasses.d) Strain the boiled liquid.Drink one glass in the morning in an empty stomach and another glass at night.
The horse gram will eliminate the excess fat from the body and you will not have spare tyres and flabby arms anymore!
Therefore always remember, horse gram is THE ingredient to eliminate/burn excess fat from the body

Oil Bath

Men should have their oil bath every Saturdays and women every Fridays, from 9am to 12pm. The type of oil that should be used for oil bath is gingerly oil as it is regarded as good oil (nalla enai)
Gingerly oil can also be used for cooking. The benefits of using gingerly oil in cooking are:a) Increases men's virility b) cools down the body c) cure stomach woundsc) builds good fat in the body.
Gingerly oil when poured into the ears, helps cool the brain. If applied on the scalp, helps cool the head. By applying the oil on your body, it helps removes stress, tension, reduces high blood pressure and also wards off evil eyes.

Apply oil in your eyes, ears, scalp and body. If followed in this sequence, it will prevent a) eye irritation and b) heatiness in the eyes.When oil is applied on the scalp, the heat from the head will transfer to the eyes and causes eye irritation.
a) Apply lots of oil on the head.b) Massage and rub the scalp with your palms as long as you can until the oil gets soaked into the skin. If you are experiencing from hair loss problem, massage and rub the entire scalp with oil as it will help reduce hair loss.c) After massaging and rubbing your scalp with your palms, pour more oil and hit your head with your palms.(tapalam) so that the oil can be absorbed further into the skin.d) Continue the oil application on your body and start applying and massaging starting from the back of your neck and move down towards your abdomen. e) Continue massaging your hands, front body, legs and face.Stroke your face with your palms from the forehead down to your chin.If you have pain in your fingers and hand area, apply oil and massage longer in the affected areas as the oil bath will help pacify the pain. 1.After massaging, make sure you bathe in hot water.2.Wash your hair with Shikakai and your body with mung bean powder.3.Also make sure you eat black pepper rasam after an oil bath. 4.Do not eat cooling food after having oil bath.


Some of us will experience cough and cold and starts to develop lots of phlegm, after having an oil bath. There are three body typesa) Vata: excess gas or air in the body. Numbness is frequently experienced.b) Pitta: excess heat in the bodyc) Kapa: excess water in the body. Frequently catches cold and develops phlegm
Oil bathing will not give any negative effect to anyone who has a healthy body.
a) If vata predominates in your body, you will easily catch a cold after an oil bath b) If kapa predominates in your body, you will develop excess phlegm after an oil bath.
If you experience the above mentioned problems, use the below formula to prepare oil for your oil bath.
a) 1 liter gingerly oilb) 1 handful of dried ginger. Grind and sieve.c) Half handful of black pepper. Grind and sieve.Add the grinded and sieved dried ginger and black pepper powder into 1 liter of gingerly oil, boil and strain.
Those who have phlegm, sinus problem, excess vata/gas before taking an oil bath, are also advised to use the ginger-pepper infused gingerly oil to avoid the above mentioned side effects.Do not use the oil for eyes and ears! Use pure gingerly oil for eyes and ears and the ginger-pepper oil on your body.Those who have excess pitta, can use pure gingerly oil for oil bath as they will not experience any side effects.

Stretch marks

It is common for newly delivered women to have stretch marks on their stomach. Over sized men and women who lose weight will also have stretch marks on their arms, thighs and buttocks and these stretch marks are difficult to disappear.
An effective and cheap home remedy to remove stretch marks:50 ml coconut oil 50 ml castor oil50ml gingerly oil50 ml vitamin E (extracted from capsules sold in pharmacies)50 ml olive oil Mix the oils together. Before going to bed, apply the oil at areas where you have stretch marks, massage and stroke upwards. You can also apply:a) on your faceb) on your feet if your skin cracksc) areas where skin is rough
You will notice amazing results within 3 to 4 months. Stretch marks will disappear and you will gain your beauty once again!

Herbal Facial remedy

Black spots, oily skin, uneven skin tone, pimples which cause black spots and marks on face, black patches and wrinkles are some of the skin problems many individuals encounter.
To clear and solve the above problems, you might have used expensive creams but there were no effective results. Below is a remedy that our forefathers used to maintain their beauty and looking young even after they have reached old age.
500 grams mung beans - grind and sieve the flour300 grams chick pea flour800 grams white turmeric - dry, grind and sieve the powder.50 grams turmeric - Kasturi Manjal - dry, grind and sieve the powder.Mix all the powdered ingredients.
Take a large pot and cover the pot with a white cotton dhoti. Take one part of the mixture and place it on the cloth, rub the mixture with your palms. Only small tiny granules will go through the cloth. Store and bottle the sieved facial powder mixture.
Take a small amount of the facial powder and mix with a little water to form a paste.Apply on your face and neck and leave to soak or dry for 30 minutes. You will see a difference after washing your face.

The face powder is very effective in curing skin problems and the cost of preparing the powder is cheap.Anyone can use this powder and can be applied as a mask. Mask has the tendency to tighten the face, tone and lighten the skin, removes excess oil, removes dark patches around the waist area due to frequent tying of sarees, white spots and softens rough skin at joint areas.To soften rough skin:
a) Add a small quantity of yogurt to 1 tablespoon of facial powder.b) Mix to a paste
Make sure you cleanse your face or other body parts before you apply the mixed paste. Leave for 30 minutes and wash with warm water.
To lighten the skin color:a) Add a small quantity of rose water (paneer) into 1 tablespoon of facial powder.b) Mix to a paste.
Apply on your face for 30 min to 1 hour and wash off the mask with warm water. Do not use any products on your face after applying the mask.Layers of old and dead skin will be removed and new fairer skin cells will form.
You can use this facial powder everyday or on alternate days. If you do not have time, just apply for 5 minutes and wash off during bathing.

There are many individuals who suffer from oily face and some may even stop eating oily food to prevent their face from getting oily. However the problem still persists even after controlling their food.How do you cure this problem?
a) Drink plenty of water.b) Avoid eating oil foods and chocolate.c) Use the facial powder as it is the best cure
To remove excess oil from the face, mix the powder with water and apply on your face and neck and leave to dry for 30 minutes. The paste will harden into a mask and do not talk during this period. The chic pea flour will absorb the oil and dirt from the skin. Wash the face with warm water and apply regularly. OILY FACE PROBEM WILL BE CURED!
To brighten or make the face glow, mix the powder with coconut milk and apply on the face. If your hips or waist areas have dark patches, circles or lines, apply and rub the facial powder paste around the affected areas. Leave it to dry for 30 minutes. Do it regularly. Old, dead skins will be removed and new skin will form. DARK CIRLES/DARK PATCHES WILL BE REMOVED!

Head heaviness

Head heaviness is usually experienced when you wake up in the morning or when you bow or look down to the floor.When head heaviness occurs, you will either feela) pain in the headb) water running in the head when you shake your head from left to right.c) pain in the eyebrow aread) or when suffering from flu and running nose.
The causes of head heaviness could be due to a) Sleeping with wet hairb) Or getting wet in the rain.
Remedy to cure head heaviness:
METHOD A2 handfuls of Chinese chaste leaves (Nochi) Camphor crystals (Paccha karpuram) - crush into small tiny pieces.Boil both ingredients with water.
Cover a blanket over and inhale the steam. The steam will hit the face and excess water in the head will be released through the nose.
METHOD BIf you can't find "nochi" leaves, omit the leaves with sliced ginger.Boil ginger with camphor crystals and inhale the steam.
METHOD C2 kilos powdered "nochi" leaves.Make sure you dry the leaves before the leaves are grinded.
Stitch a pillow using the powdered nochi leaves. Sleep on the nochi pillow when you have a heavy head or sinus headache. The nochi leaves will absorb the excess water from the head. Dry the wet pillow. Whenever you suffer from a sinus headache or heavy head, sleep on the nochi pillow to release the excess water from the head.

Body Pain

Below are remedies to cure body and muscle pain due to tiredness or poor blood circulation.
After plucking the drumstick leaves, we tend to throw the tender sticks away. Do not throw the sticks as it has more nutritional value than the leaves.Take a handful of the tender sticks, cut into small pieces, pound and boil with garlic, onion, cinnamon, cumin seeds and other dried herbs of your choice. Boil the herbal liquid and add a pinch of salt.
Drink a cup/glass of the soup or rasam. This herbal drink will a) remove body painb) remove shakiness due to nerve disordersc) increase virilityd) and cure heel pain.
If you are experiencing muscle pain, make porridge with black gram flour (Ulunthu).By consuming black gram porridge and drumstick stem rasam, body and muscle pain will be cured. Children can also consume both, drumstick stem rasam and black gram porridge.


If your child have a fall and gets hurtb) Hurt while playing footballc) Injury due to a small accident or d) An insect bite
which has turned blue black or swollen can use below remedy to cure their related problems.
Injuries which has swellingMix a small amount of Slaked lime (Sunambu) with honey on your palm. The mixed solution will turn warm and once it's thoroughly mixed, apply on the affected areas. The solution will turn hard and leave it for a day. Wash the next morning and swelling will heal.
Insect bites If you are stung by a bee or any other insects, apply the slaked lime-honey paste on affected areas. The pain and swelling will disappear within a day.
If you have a fall and the affected areas starts to swell u p and turns blue black without any injuries, i.e. broken bones or cut on skin and flesh.Mix a small amount of tamarind with water. Make sure you remove the seeds. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, one tablespoon salt and gingerly oil. Cook the mixture until it forms into a thick paste. Once the oil is warm or cools to a bearable heat, apply the oil on the affected places. The swelling will heal. You do not need to bandage the area, just leave the paste to dry. Wash the hardened paste the next day.
ONLY USE THE ABOVE REMEDY when there is swelling and not on injuries where there is broken bones or cut or tear in the flesh or skin.

remove head lices

Below is an effective home remedy to remove head lices.
Buy dried sweet flag (vasambu) . Cut the dried sweet flag into small pieces and grind into powder form. Add one tablespoon "vasambu" powder into four glasses of water. Boil the liquid until it reduces to an amount of one glass. Strain and cool the liquid.
Apply the herbal liquid on your scalp. Rub and massage your scalp and hair. Soak for an hour and wash your hair with Shikakai or Mung Bean skin or any shampoo of your choice. Apply the liquid on your scalp continuously for 10 days or until the head lices have been removed.


In siddha medicine, sumithi is regarded as a medicine (anubanam).
Su - Sukku (Dried ginger)Mi - Milagu (Black Pepper)Thi - Thippili (Long Pepper)
Sumithi is an effective medicine to cure many types of sickness and diseases.
Remove the skins of dried ginger as the skins are toxic. Pound or grind into powder form, sieve by rubbing the powder with your palms on a white cotton cloth or dhoti. Tiny granules will be released from the cloth. Store the sieved powder in a bottle or jar.
Wash, dry and grind black pepper. Sieve the powder by rubbing the powder in a white cotton cloth or dhoti. Tiny granules will be released from the cloth. Store in a bottle and jar. Wash, dry, grind the long peppers and sieve the same way as the powdered dried ginger and black pepper. Mix the same amount of the powdered dried ginger, black pepper and long pepper together and store in a bottle or jar. Sumithi, a powerful and effective siddha medicine has been prepared!

preparation of tribala

Cybolic Myrobalan ( Kadukkai) has 6 different types of tastes and is effective in healing wounds, cures sore throat, constipation, clears toxins in the intestines, purify dirty blood and cools down the body.
Belleric Myrobalan (Tandrikai) on the other hand heals wounds, acts as an antiseptic when washing wounds, stops purging, cures bleeding gums and cures blood impurity.
Amla or Indian gooseberry (Nellikai) cleans blood, remove excessive pitta from the blood, cools body and good for head and eyes.
Soak 500 grams of cybolic myrobalan (kadukkai) in cooked rice water overnight.Wash and break the myrobalan immediately while it's wet and remove the seeds.Dry the skins and grind the skins into powder form, sieve and dry fry for a few seconds
Wash 500 grams of belleric myrobalan (tandrikai) and pound to remove seed. Dry the flesh and grind into powder form. Sieve and dry fry the powder for a few seconds.
Wash 500 grams of dried amla fruit. Grind into powder form. Sieve and dry fry the amla powder for a few seconds
Take the same amount of each of the powdered herbs and mix the powder togetherA siddha medicine has been prepared.
Tripala is effective in balancing excess pita in the body while sumithi is good in balancing excess kappa and vata in the body.


As mentioned in the earlier article, Triphala is a mixture of a) Kadukkai (Chebulic Myrobalan),b) Thandrikai (Belleric Myrobalan) and c) Nellikai (Amla or Indian Gooseberries)
In siddha medicine triphala is regarded as a medicine (anubanam)
These 3 ingredients are good in healing wounds from mouth to anus.
a) Wounds in the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, colon, hand, legs or piles can be treated by mixing half teaspoon of triphala powder with 1 teaspoon of ghee. Consume twice, once in the morning and once at night before food with milk or plain water.All types of internal wounds will be healed within a week.b) Release of blood during bowel movement indicates that there is wound in the anus canal. The wound can be cured by consuming triphala powder three times a day.
In the morning : Mix triphala with ghee. In the afternoon : Mix triphala with buttermilk At night : Mix triphala with hot water.
The bleeding will be controlled within a week. Continue consuming triphala and avoid eating spicy and heaty food until the wound is healed.
c) If you have a wound on your leg or hand area, soak 1 tablespoon of triphala in hot boiling water for a few hours. Strain and wash the wound with the herbal water. Triphala water acts as an antiseptic.
d) If you have wound in your mouth, gargle triphala water twice a day. The wound will heal after 2 days

Uric asid get reduced by tone up

Uric Acid is formed when old or left over food are consumed. Make sure you do not eat food which has been cooked a day or two earlier and has turned sour. In our body, uric acid settles around the joint areas, causing prickling pain when the joint area starts to swell up. When the level of uric acid increases in the body, it will a) aid in absorbing bad cholesterol andb) aid in forming kidney stones.
Try to avoid eating over ripe tomatoes; nearing to rot as it has high uric acid. Make sure you eat cabbage right after it is cooked. This is because after 4 -6 hours you will notice small bubbles forming on the cooked cabbage. This is an indication that uric acid is forming in the cooked cabbage.
At night, take one tablespoon of triphala powder. Mix the herbal powder with water and consume. When you wake up in the morning, uric acid will be cleared through bowel motion. The herbal medication will also ease your bowel motion.
If you prepare "Thosai" and the batter ferments very fast and well, it is believed that uric acid is forming quickly in your body. The intensity of sourness of your thosai batter indicates the level of uric acid you have in your body!
Therefore do not eat left over or old food as it helps form uric acid in your body which causes many types of sickness and diseases. Hence make sure to avoid old food right away to lead a healthy life.


Constipation is the root cause of many kinds of sickness and diseases, If you do not remove your waste, your body will get heated up, causing stomach to bloat and smelly gas to be released.
Below is a cheap remedy to permanently cure constipation.
500 grams to 1 kilo of chebulic myrobalan (kadukkai)Soak myrobalan in boiled rice water for 2 days.Dry the fruit and pound or grind immediately into powder form.Make sure you remove the seeds before grinding it.
Before sleeping, consume half teaspoon and drink with hot water. In the morning, myrobalan will function as an automatic wake up call and rush you to the toilet to remove your waste. If you have excessive purging effect, reduce the amount of the herbal powder. If you feel that there is no prominent effect, increase the dosage accordingly.
Chebulic Myrobalan (Kadukkai) a) cleans bloodb) remove constipationc) remove heatiness and d) heal stomach wound
Our forefathers also treated myrobalan as an antiseptic. The powdered herb is boiled and used to wash external wounds or gangrene wounds.

colon constipation


Constipation is the mother of all diseases. If bowel movements are disturbed and stools are not fully released, it will stay in the body and turn toxic. When the gas and stool are released, it will create a foul smelling odour which is an indication of poor health. How to prevent smelly gas and stool and prevent constipation?
Half teaspoon of triphala powder and drink with hot water before you go to bed.In the morning, you will have an easy bowel movement. If you feel that you did not remove all the waste, add an extra dosage, according to your body size. Children can also consume triphala powder. Mix with ghee if you are prescribing triphala to your children. You can consume triphala twice a day. Consuming twice a day will effect in going to toilet twice a day. By having bowel movements twice a day will result in weight reduction.
Consume triphala daily for 6 months and it willa) clear blood impurity b) prevents skin diseasec) strengthen intestine musclesd) cures intestine woundse) cures wounds in throat ( To cure throat wounds, triphala should be consumed with ghee)f) cures stomach and anus woundsg) cools the body. (If you have a heaty body, it is advised to consume triphala twice a day)


Malaysian uses this herb mostly to make medicines for newly delivered women.Nut galls are used to clean and heal internal wounds and also gives strength to women.
Remedy for women to treat the whole body:Buy nut galls worth RM5. Wash, clean and dry the dried fruit.Heat ghee in a metal pan and fry the nut galls. Once the nut galls crack, remove from oil. Pound or grind into powder form and dry the powder. Once it's dried, blend again and sieve the powder.
a)Wounds in mouth and stomach:Mix a teaspoon of nut gall powder with ghee and consume.You can also gargle nut gall powder with hot water if you have a wound in your mouth. b)External wounds:Boil the powder with water, set aside to cool and wash the wound with the herbal water. In Indonesia, newly delivered women wounds at the vagina area are cleaned with nut gall water.Wound or boils in the anus canal can be treated by applying the powder with coconut oilc) Internal wound and to strengthen body and vagina muscles:Mix same amount of nut gall powder with triphala and consume at night.The herbal mixture will heal newly delivered women's internal wounds and help strengthen their body and vagina muscles.d)Irritable bowel syndrome:Mix quarter teaspoon nutgall powder with ghee and consume before meal, twice a day. Bowel problems will be cured.



If you are suffering from anemia, doctors will prescribe iron pills to cure the problem.Anemia can also be treated by consuming fenugreek seeds. The seeds are also effective in treatinga) body painb) stomach irritation c) excess heat in the bodyd) back paine) weak body andf) low sperm count
Fenugreek seeds are high in iron, vitamin B2 and A. The herb is good for improving eye sight and promotes hair growth. Our forefathers used to increase the intake of iron by eating fenugreek thosai.
Wash and dry fenugreek seeds. Grind into powder form.Consume 1 teaspoon of fenugreek powder and drink with buttermilk (Mooru). This remedy willa) heal stomach woundb) cure back painc) remove bad mouth odourd) increase body strength .e) reduce body and eye heat
Do not consume fenugreek powder with buttermilk at night as you will catch a cold. Therefore replace buttermilk with plain water when consuming fenugreek powder at night.
For pregnant women, it is beneficial if they can consume fenugreek powder with honey and drink it with water. The powder will a) increase blood production b) and good for the child.
If acidity level increases to an extreme level in your body, it will createa) stomach woundsb) bad mouth and body odourc) excess heat in the head.
REMEDYRemove the skin of white pumpkin (vellai pusinikai), cut the fruit into small pieces, blend and strain the juice. Add sugar or rock sugar and drink daily for a month. Excess acid will be released and acidity problem will be cured. This drink is also effective in cleaning kidneys.White pumpkin juice is effective in removing acidity as the juice is considered as alkaline water.