Monday 14 September 2009



Potassium is a mineral which helps normalise blood pressure. Potassium is available in bananas, star fruits and green vegetables. Kidney failure patients are strictly advised not to consume too much of potassium as the nutrient can lead to nerve damage. When eating green vegetables, kidney failure patients are advised to soak any types of green vegetables in water for at least 20 minutes before cooking.

30% of Malaysian Indians suffer form hypertension. Therefore try to consume as much vegetables as you can. Bananas, whole grain products, i.e whole meal bread, atta flour are some of the many types of food rich in potassium.

Potassium chloride is a type of salt, sold in supermarkets which help to control
blood pressure. Try to avoid consuming this type of salt as consuming potassium chloride can cause damage to the heart and kidney. It is better to consume the normal salt, sodium chloride.

Zinc is good for eyes, hair and reproductive system. Deficiency in zinc causes hair loss. Zinc is available in seafood products and fortified milk.

Note: Do not consume seafood everyday just because it has high zinc content. Daily consumption of seafood will increase your cholesterol level. It is best to consume any type of seafood once a week.

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