Monday 14 September 2009

B complex


Vitamin B Complex consists of vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. The main function of all types of vitamin B is to provide energy to the body.

Symptoms of Vitamin B deficiency are:
a) Fatigue
b) Dry hair
c) Improper blood circulation
d) Anemia

Vitamin B complex is rich in meat products, i.e. fish, chicken, dairy products and taufu and very little in vegetables and fruits

Vegans or vegetarians who do not consume dairy products and eggs are prone to Vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore Vegans are advised to eat foods which have been fortified or added with B12. The equivalent daily intake of B12 is added during manufacturing food products like cereal, bread, diary products and milk.

Some may take B12 in tablet form. Pregnant women or women who are trying to conceive are advised to take Vitamin B Folate. Deficiency of Vitamin B Folate can cause harm to the child.
Note: Before taking any vitamins in tablet form, consult your physician or dietician as taking tablets can cause harm or problems to some.

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