Monday 14 September 2009



Calcium, the most abundant mineral in our body, needed for healthy bone growth. 50% of Malaysian women suffer from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a sickness related to bones and can be avoided if sufficient intake of calcium is consumed daily.Calcium is not only important for teeth and bones but also plays an important role in muscle contraction. If you were to suffer from cramps or muscle leg pull, it is a symptom of calcium deficiency.

Calcium is found in both, cow's milk and Soya milk. However calcium from soya milk is difficult to be absorbed by the system. The amount of calcium from 1 glass of milk is equivalent to the amount of calcium from 3 glasses of soya milk. Therefore it is a better choice to drink cow's milk than soya milk. Calcium is also found in taufu, broccoli and sardine bones.

Calcium is vital to be consumed by pregnant women. Some pregnant women may experience vomiting sensation when drinking milk. To avoid this, mix/blend fruit juice with milk as it provides good taste and smell.
Note: It is good to drink a glass of milk before you go to bed as milk helps reduce blood pressure and promotes good sleep.

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